No, there is no branch that has this functionality. Pulse login page always opens in EO in Slice. Is there a build of Pulse I could use? Once I have the build with this API endpoint I can update and test Arc and Slice.
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One thing I noticed is I can continually click the Pulse Login button to open multiple pulse login windows. If we can fix this and the aforementioned issues with manually closing windows in future releases, this flow would work much better.
We should add this step to the Testing Matrix: Connecting to Pulse through Slice using as the Arc server for Slice.
Harvey Withingtonchanged title from Slice opens Chrome browser for Pulse authentication to Slice - Pulse Integration - Slide opens Chrome browser during Pulse authentication
changed title from Slice opens Chrome browser for Pulse authentication to Slice - Pulse Integration - Slide opens Chrome browser during Pulse authentication
Harvey Withingtonchanged title from Slice - Pulse Integration - Slide opens Chrome browser during Pulse authentication to Slice - Pulse Integration - default browser opens during Pulse authentication
changed title from Slice - Pulse Integration - Slide opens Chrome browser during Pulse authentication to Slice - Pulse Integration - default browser opens during Pulse authentication