Reports created on Slice reference the name specified in the yml file. If this name differs from the TM1 instance, the reports fail to work in PAfE and Tm1Web.
When exporting a view to Slice from DEV, the server name is set to ETDEV as defined in the settings file. However, this server name (ET_DEV) does not function correctly in PAfE and Tm1Web when the reports are uploaded.
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There is nothing we can do to resolve this. You either need to have identical server names between Slice and Pafe/TM1Web or design the reports so the server name is picked using IF and TM1User formula dynamically.
With having Server Groups functioning correctly with Slice this would be resolved as we should be able to use the same instance name on the server groups file.
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There is nothing we can do to resolve this. You either need to have identical server names between Slice and Pafe/TM1Web or design the reports so the server name is picked using IF and TM1User formula dynamically.
I'm closing this ticket now, there is not much we can do here. Slice is going to use the TM1 instance name defined in Arc. if the name is different than in TM1 web then the report can't work in TM1 Web.
The solution for your customer is to use server groups with the real TM1 instance. However there is currently a bug in Arc which will be fixed in v4.6.0 which should be out early February #2698.
Unfortunately your customer will need to wait a couple of weeks before being able to upload Excel files built in Slice into TM1 Web.
@lrincon - Can we update the Server groups to use the same tm1 instances names for PROD and DEV since this should be fixed. Also, please give Shane/me a heads up when this is done to do quick testing.