Slice - new Export as Active form has wrong cell reference to Instance name
- Operating System: Windows 11
- TM1 version: 11.8.01300.1
- Arc and Slice Version: 4.6.0
- Excel Version: office 365 64 bits
Describe the bug
After upgraded to 4.6.0 version, When exporting a simple Active form, the cell reference to the Instance name is always 1 row above the correct cell, making the report not work, have to manually replace it.
See screenshot below, the instance name is on C10, but all the references are on C9.
In my Arc preferences, I have the Data Export "Dedicated cell for instance name" enabled.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Have Arc option of "Dedicated cell for instance name" enabled on Cube's User Preferences.
- Open Slice, and open cube viewer for any cube.
- Click on export as Active form
Expected behavior
Correct cell reference so the Active form works.